Wednesday, May 6, 2009 Making Money Tips

For everyone who is wondering how to make money on Bukisa. You will need to actually write more than a couple of articles. I received a couple of emails that were from discouraged writers. You need to write a lot of quality article, and build a library of articles, at least 20 articles before throwing in the towel. Here is an article that is very helpful, by clicking on the link it will take you to the article I wrote on, How to Get More Views to Bukisa Articles. One thing to consider is that it will take a couple of days, even a week for search engines to index your articles online. So be patient and stay focused on the long term goal of earning residual income. The more quality articles you write the more money you will earn.

Writing articles for paid article writing websites like, usually require a lot of work in the beginning with little pay. So most writers get discouraged. Be realistic, set a goal of how many articles you can write a day, or week. I have a goal of 1 article a day, if I write more than that, great. I have a personal goal to make $1000.00 every month on I will try to reach this goal in 11 months from now. I personally think I will need to write more than 1 article a day to reach this goal. But for now 1 a day will do.

Don't spend the bulk of your time commenting, and reading your friends Bukisa articles. I enjoy reading them as well, but I have noticed it is very time consuming. If it starts taking away from your writing time, you should stop. If you don't write articles you wont make money.

The keywords you use in your article will truley determine your success on how much money you make on the Bukisa articles you write. If you are not making money on your bukisa articles, you should read this article
What is a Keyword. By clicking on the link it will direct you to

In conclusion, write more quality articles, stick to a goal, and be patient on earning money. I believe it will take 3 to 4 months of writing to see real income. Freelance writing for paid article websites is hard. You really need to stay motivated. Bookmark, or add this blog to your favorites for motivation. I will be adding new tips to help my fellow friends on

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