Friday, November 20, 2009 Earnings For November 2009

I have taken over three months off from writing on, that was a huge mistake. A couple of important tips that I have learned in the in the 8 months while I have been a member at I will share with you in this earning update post.

I have earned a total of $50.88 writing for November's payment was $14.88 up until now I have not been able to make the payout every month. Now it looks like I have been earning about $5.00 a week off my articles and will be receiving payment every month from my articles. This has been accomplished because I have been making small goals since I took a long three month off from writing. I returned to writing in September and it is paying off.

If your goal is to earn residual income than you need to stick to your goals by making a commitment to them everyday. If you plan on writing 5 articles a day, you need to write 5 articles in order to make your daily goal. Without completing your daily goals you will not be making any real money. Remember the more you write, the more money you will earn on your articles.

I remember when I first started writing on I wrote about 10 articles that to this very day have only earned a couple of pennies. Now since my writing has improved I'm making more money on the articles that I write and publish on Keep in mind if you are new to writing like me you can earn money, but you might earn money slower than other writers because their is a learning curve when it comes to freelance writing.

So In the last 2 months that I have been writing again my earning have increased a lot. I only wrote 32 articles in the last two months, that is a total of 16 articles a month. I will need to set a daily goal for myself if I want to see any real profit from my articles.

How much have you made on

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Bukisa Articles Finally Published

So my articles finally got published today. must have a lot more members that are publishing which could be prolonging the publishing process. seems to really be working on improving their website and making it more functional for the members.

Members are able to publish pictures from their computer, and they also have a new and improved spell checker to help improve the quality of members articles.

What is your experience with

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Bukisa Index Increased

I was very happy to find out recently that the index increased this month. This means that our articles are earning more money and that has increased readers. The more quality work that is being published online on means more readership for Bukisa's website. The more quality traffic our articles receive means more money in our pockets.

The index was $3.42 for every 1000 views. Now the index is $3.53 for every 1000 views.

I hope this is a sign of good things to come for!

Bukisa Articles Under Editorial

Bukisa articles are really getting published slow these days. I don't want to sound like I'm complaining because I see the pros and the cons in the editorial process.

Some of the pros are the Bukisa staff is checking for quality work. is improving the website for reader and that is a huge pro.

The only problem I have is it takes a couple of days to publish articles. That means my articles are not earning money and receiving views. It also is less motivating as a writer waiting for my articles to get published in such a slow matter.

This morning I was ready to write my quota of 5 articles for the day. And logged into my account and noticed that the articles I wrote yesterday were still under editorial. I didn't think anything of it at the time, but now it is 1 PM and still under editorial. So not feeling very motivated about writing today and only wrote 2 out of the 5 articles that I'm suppose to write.

In conclusion I do feel it is better for the articles to be reviewed for quality rather then have sloppy articles being published.

Have you noticed Bukisa articles taking a long time to get published? What is your experience with Please feel free to comment!